Back yard Picinic
Diaper Cakes
Labor & Delivery bag
Top Secret Mommy Bag
When I had my daughter Ava, I was shocked at how unprepared I was for the not so fabulous way I felt directly after birth .Everyone warns you about the baby crying and feeling tired but what about all the other stuff? Come on ladies a heads up would have been nice! If your the type who doesn't want to know the harsh reality that is child birth please stop reading now other wise.......... be prepared for stitches, hemorrhoids,chapped nipples to say the least.Sorry if this is TMI , just keepin' it real lol.
To help out the new mom to be I created a Top Secret/Confidential Mommy Tote.
First : Get a bag that you can store all of your top secret items in. I chose black to add to the Top secret / confidential feel . Using my Cricut I created this “Confidential” tag to tie to the strap of the bag.
Second: I purchased much needed sometimes embarrassing items. Large super absorbent pads with wings ( the nurse at the hospital recommended I buy depends yuck , right? But necessary), nipple cream ( for breast feeding mammas) , tissue (for the bouts of crying ), hemorrhoid cream ( no explanation needed), nursing pads ( for those embarrassing leaks),stool softener, and Tuck ( I found these to be a must for comfort ).
Third: I included this list (with brief and whimsical explanations as to why they will need this product. I find this is comforting for new moms to know that many women go through this unpleasantness and we lived to tell lol.
Yo Gabba Gabba Party
For those of you who have not experienced Yo Gabba Gabba , let me say you are missing out my friends!We are a Yo Gabba Gabba loving household and for my daughter Ava's 3rd birthday we had a Yo Gabba Gabba themed party. I threw this party together in about a week so it was pretty bare bones but there were some ideas you might be able to use.
Games/ activities: First , we played Pin the Eye on Muno . I made this with construction paper, tape , and scissors.
We also did some other games / activities ; Pass the Banana to the song "Banana" from the show (this was basically hot potato) . I had coloring sheets out for kids who like quiet activities. Later, I gathered all the pictures and randomly picked one for a prize. We also hit a Broby pinata filled with goodies and had a "Jumpy Jump" bouncer. During the party I had a Yo Gabba Gabba DVD playing for the kids to watch , & a dance mat for them to get their “Dancey Dancey” on .
I made this Foofa shirt for Ava to wear with a simple iron on transfer sheet and a photo from
We had a blast!